[Mise à jour: désormais disponible en France] Test de fonctionnalité « Flotte » Twitter similaire à Instagram Stories pour supprimer les tweets après 24 heures

Auparavant uniquement disponible au Brésil, la nouvelle fonctionnalité Fleet est désormais lancée pour les utilisateurs de Twitter en France. Selon Twitter, les gens tweetent davantage après avoir accédé aux flottes, la société a donc décidé de l’étendre à davantage de pays.

[Mise à jour: désormais disponible en France] Test de fonctionnalité "Flotte" Twitter similaire à Instagram Stories pour supprimer les tweets après 24 heures

Twitter is now testing a new feature called « Fleets » that automatically deletes tweets after 24 hours. The announcement was made today by Twitter product manager Kayvon Beykpour.
Currently, there is no official way to delete old tweets after a period of time, so users who want this feature must rely on third-party tools. As of today, Twitter will make « Fleets » available to a limited number of users, so that they can share texts, photos and videos that will be available on their profile for only 24 hours. .
Beykpour said the idea came after some users shared that they were intimidated to post things because they had no control over the visibility of the content.
The feature works similarly to Instagram stories, as content with a limited time will be displayed in circles at the top of the app, separate from the timeline. At first, it will only be possible to publish this content via the official Twitter app for iOS and Android.

The fleets will first be deployed for users in Brazil, then gradually distributed to other regions. You can watch a video below (in Portuguese) which illustrates the function:
Are you excited about the new Twitter feature to delete your tweets after 24 hours? Let us know in the comments below!

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